Google Trends and how is it beneficial for Blogging?

Google Trends and how is it beneficial for Blogging?

What is Google Trends and how is it beneficial for Blogging?

Do you know what is Google Trends? If you do not know what our use is. So today I will tell you how Google Trends are very beneficial for blogging. When we write a post for our blog, then do keyword research before that. Research the keywords and find the keywords that are searched more by the people. And try to give people the information as they want. Google Trends helps us to know similar keywords. We will further learn how Google Trends works?

We all know what SEO is and how important it is for blogging. Keyword research is an important part of SEO.

Most bloggers want that they get such a keyword research tool for free which helps in choosing good keywords. And be able to rank every post in the search engine. Every trending friends, let’s know what is Google Trends and how does it work.

What is Google Trends (Google Trends in Hindi)
Google Trends Kya Hai Hindi

Google Trends is a tool that records every change over time and shows it to us in graph form. This tool also tells us which keywords have been searched by people and from which locations. This helps us to know whether or not we will benefit from using that keyword. In this way, it is a very unique tool that also tells the changes that happen over time.

What does trends mean?

Yes, you got it right! When people like something more, then that thing is called trending. And it varies with time.

You must have heard this phrase.

“Change is the law of nature”


There are some keywords whose importance decreases with time and the traffic on it becomes even less. So with Google Trends we can also compare keywords which keyword is better. With this, it is also clear that the traffic will remain in the post using which keyword. Writing a post does not mean that it is written and then left forever. We should keep updating it over time and try to implement it in whatever keyword trend at that time if it is relevant.

Google Trends records hourly searches. And tells how much the keyword’s search has decreased and how much has increased. When you see Google Trends, it will show you the performance of a keyword in the time-period as desired.

Establishment of Google Trends

As the name itself suggests, Google Trends is a service launched by the Google platform. It was first started by Google on 5 August 2008 under the name of Google Insights for Search. 27 December 2012 Google changed Google Insights to Google Trends. Google Trends tells us the complete information about the search keyword in Google, category wise. In this way, people associated with every niche can easily find out the trend of their target keyword.

How Google Trends Works

By the way, there are many tools that you will use for SEO i.e. search engine optimization. Some of these tools are free while some are paid. If you spend a little time doing keyword research in those tools, then you will be able to know how Google Trends works.

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First of all, you have to understand that the keyword you remove in paid tools or find out the competetor keyword also shows us all the data based on the trend, search volume and competetion.

Google Trends will give complete information of any keyword from 2004 to just an hour ago. It shows all the information by a graph. You put your target keywprd in the search query box in it. Select any country you want to check keyword trends. In this, you have to take the time-period, how long you want to see the trend as a graph.

Next, in this you select the category of the keyword. After that, select the web search i.e. image, news, shopping, YouTube, which platform you want to see results. This will show you its fluctuations in the graph as a result in that particular time-period. In addition, it will also show you related topics and related queries.

Apart from this, Google Trends also offers another feature that you will compare between 2 or more keywords and show them in a graph simultaneously. The graph will be the same, all the keywords will have different lines. Also, the color of the line of each keyword will be different. So in this way you can know the complete history of any keyword.


In the graph, it expands the popularity of a keyword with a number between 0 and 100. If 0, then it means that the popularity of that keyword is a lot of work. In the popularity of 50, it comes in the middle and 100 means that the keyword is the highest i.e. its popularity in the peak.

Benefits of Google Trends Tool

This tool greatly benefits every blogger and website owner. The purpose of creating a blog or website is to make it accessible to more people. Because where there will be people, the popularity of the blog will increase. Also, revenue will also increase.

So let’s know what are the benefits of Google Trends which are important for all the bloggers.
You can compare keyword with Google Trends. From this you can choose the best keyword for your business or blog. In this, you can see which of the different keywords of the same topic has been searched the most. And at the same time, by looking at his past trends, it will also be known that in the first and now, the varieties of these types of ups and downs are the highest.

Interest by Region and Subregion

There are people in every corner of the world whose choice varies according to their location. If you want, you can easily know their interest with this tool. Suppose you want to bring traffic from US, UK, then you have to know what is going on trending among the people there. Then you can choose the best keyword, which the people there search the most. Now, based on the keyword, you can write a post with high quality content. If you are expert in Search Engine Optimization, then you can bring heavy traffic to your blog from there.

Real Time Data

This tool tracks real time data according to time which is very beneficial for your business. This shows what is being liked today.

Best Content creation

It also benefits from Google Trends tool that it helps to write the best and high quality content. From here, using the best keywords, you can write high quality content on the topic that is liked among the people. And when the content is of high quality, then traffic will definitely come.

Friends, this tool is the solution to every problem of our keyword research. There are countless benefits from using it. Which helps in increasing the popularity of blog and website. Initially it may take time to use it and learn things. But if you become a master in this, then you will become even stronger in SEO.

Friends, how did you like this post? What is Google Trends?